Chapter 6



            The next day, on the morning of January 12, 2021, it happened to be my 46th birthday and I could feel Martha’s presence in my mind as soon as I awoke.


MARTHA:  I see today is your birthday, and I have two special gifts for you.  I will tell you about birthdays on my world and have also been given permission to share with you when we will one day “meet in the physical.”


ME:  I had no idea you could know such things about me!  I never told you my birthday was today.


MARTHA:  You thought it this morning upon waking, when you also noticed I was present in your mind.  Thus, I shared in your “birthday thoughts.”  This is no different than if you were to speak out loud to me if I were standing in the room saying, “Today is my birthday!”  Are you beginning to understand how our communication link works?


ME:  Yes, it’s all very… intuitive.  I have to remember to really listen to my feelings to know when you’re there and become more aware of my thoughts.  I hope I’m never thinking anything terrible about you when you’re around. 


MARTHA:  Do not fear to have fearful or unloving thoughts.  Remember:  Only your loving thoughts can be shared or “experienced together” and yes, your feelings will tell you when I am present and when I am not.  If you feel me, there am I.  It would serve you well to do this with all people, especially your Creator.  You all have the potential to feel the blessed Mind of your Creator and each other at all times.  We will talk more about this joyous state of being in depth soon, but for now, I wish to extend your birthday gifts to you.


ME:  Yes, please do!


MARTHA:  Birthdays are the most celebrated event on my world.  Children are precious, and celebrating life is a wonderous reason to gather together and take care to make extra fun.  Since we are each born together in “seasons” or groups, we celebrate our birthdays with large amounts of individuals.  There are special songs of great beauty composed and sung for one another, and gifts are given, though not as you understand them in your reality.  Our gifts are of the heart and are felt rather than seen.  We will literally walk through the day, sending “heart gifts” to all whom we pass by or seek out.  The receiving of such a gift could be described as a sudden burst of great love within the heart that lasts for several minutes of your time.  It is a sharing of an intense euphoric feeling of gratitude and mutual blessing.  Nothing brings us greater joy than giving such gifts to one another!


ME:  That sounds truly amazing.  I wish we could do that to each other here.


MARTHA:  One day you will.  Our conversation here is part of bringing about the awareness to welcome such a step in your spiritual evolution.  And I would like to point out that you have already received such a gift from me once before, on the day of your backpacking trip in the wilderness.


ME: (Gasp!)  You mean three months ago back in October when my family and I were backpack camping up north?  When I felt those sudden surges of love in my chest?  That was you?


MARTHA:  Yes.  Your heart chakra was being adjusted in order to better receive the vibration of a higher dimensional being.  You could say you were being “tuned in to the Martha channel” in order to be able to channel or hear me now.  I was setting you up on my wavelength so-to-speak.  And since love always strengthens, by doing so, your physical heart alongside your heart chakra became stronger for a time.  This manifested in the lowering of your resting heartrate to that of your being in peak condition.  However, all this could not be done without you yourself being receptive and willing for such an adjustment to take place.  Your lack of resistance to your rising vibration allowed you to meet us partway.  Rather than feeling fear at such an unusual new sensation, you embraced it, allowed it and even encouraged it.  You have learned to let go of fear of such things through a combination of meditation and spiritual desire.  Meditation is a deep form of prayer if used correctly.  It is communion with your Christ-center, the pureness of your heart of hearts.  It is to desire that only love be given and received.  It is a prayer that is always answered, because it asks only for your truth to be made realized by you, for you are only love.  You have been attempting to do this through your recent meditations.  We will speak more on this in the next chapter.  


ME:  Oh, I really love what you’ve shared here.  Thank you for this first birthday gift! 


MARTHA:  Now, about the second part of my gift to you:  Revealing the day we shall meet “in person.”  I will be there for your coronation day.  You will meet me then.


ME:  My coronation day?  What day is that?  What is that?  


MARTHA:  Your coronation day is what we call the translation of your identity from your physical form to a higher vibrational frequency.  It is the day you rise in density to a level where you need not come into a physical body as you are now – ever again.  Your lessons on this plane of existence will be complete, no further choices need to be made.  Your decision to be as you are created becomes absolute.  Such an event is celebrated in the higher, non-physical eternal realms above this one and we call it your coronation day.  It is the day you fully exchange time for eternity; it is the moment you are consecrated to the eternal path of love and light – the goal of all creation.  In your language, the word coronation means “to crown.”  It is truly your crowning achievement – the acknowledgement by all creation that you have been crowned sovereign over your eternal destiny.  Put simply, it is the recognition of your awakening.  Never again will you fall into the sleep of forgetfulness of Who You Are.  It is something all beings with the power of decision between the physical and eternal will someday choose.  Everyone’s eternal destiny is inevitable, though you can delay it as long as you wish.  Overcoming this delay is why I am here now, having this conversation with you, helping to awaken all humanity.


ME:  How exciting!  I’m looking forward to that event already.  Can you tell me when it will happen?


MARTHA:  Absolutely not.  First, because I do not know exactly when this will be for you.  Second, even if I did, I would not reveal – and ruin – the happy surprise of something so wonderous and joyous.  


ME:  So how do I hasten the learning my lessons on this plane of existence?  I want to overcome as many delays as possible so that day can arrive more quickly.


MARTHA:  You already know the answer to that question.  You have read books that explain it in great detail, and you have even written and published your own book about it.  You are here to learn to extend forgiveness. This is what every moment in life is about.  Learning to extend forgiveness.  This is how the world is overcome with love.


ME:  Can you explain then, in your words how forgiveness works?  Half the time I’m not even sure when I’m doing it, or if I’m doing right.


MARTHA:  To truly forgive, not as your world teaches, but as some of your spiritual truths share, means to overlook.  It is to look directly at the world you see, and know it is not all there is – it is not the real world.  It is to not hold this world responsible for your happiness.  It is to relinquish your current reality – to let go of all of your emotions tied to it – and seek to know the truth of what creation is – without your judgment laid upon it. And though only a subtle shift away, the real world truly is, a world of difference from the one you are in now. 

            There is a simple formula you can follow to ensure you understand and use forgiveness properly.  It can also be called the “formula for inner peace.”  You know what it is, though your belief and experience of it is intermittent.


ME:  Yes, I do know what it is, and yes, I’ve found it only works when my heart and mind are both in the right place.  I will share it:  First, you extend forgiveness which is to release your mind from the idea you are a mere body and to release your mind from any perceived outcomes to situations involving the body – in essence, you overlook everything associated with the body.  This induces a miraculous state of mind, where once you are released from the ideas associated with being a body, anything is now possible.  A miraculous state of mind is simply the recognition you have indeed released yourself from your bodily ideas.  You will know this has been achieved by the state of inner peace you feel.  You will feel free of all inner conflict.  Inner peace is direct evidence of miraculous thinking, which is then reflected back to you from the miracle you have extended.  This then brings you full circle to an inner state of Atonement, which is the inner state of both knowing and feeling your peaceful Oneness or At-One-Ment with all creation.

            So, the “formula for inner peace” goes as follows:  

Forgiveness + Miracle Mindedness = Atonement

In other words:

Overlook everything outside you + feel the release such overlooking brings = Total and complete inner peace with all things or a state of Oneness.  


MARTHA:  Yes, and again, this peaceful state of mind is the goal of all true meditation.  As we discussed in the previous chapter, it is the highest form of prayer.  Once you have truly forgiven the world and all things associated with it, not only will you feel a deep abiding peace with regard to whatever it is you look upon, but the whole situation will actually become absurd to you – comical even.  You will literally laugh in the face of adversity once you understand the truth.  The world and all its inhabitants will lose their “seriousness” to you.  You will cease to take life so seriously, knowing it can have no real effect on you, given it is not your true reality.  It may appear that you are losing your mind, but you will actually have found it at last.  Understand, you will not become indifferent to the world, but rather, you will see no difference at all between yourself and others in the world.  You will gain a sense of love and unity with all creation like never before.  Such a feeling is the Atonement or sense of being “at one” with all creation.


ME:  Wouldn’t such a state of mind cause people to just give up on life, knowing it’s not “real?”


MARTHA:  No.  Rather than “checking out” the mind will at last be fully “checked in.”  Your engagement with creation will become fully realized as your full awareness of your power to create will be restored and made conscious to you.  Believe it or not, you will begin to have fun living here, knowing that a joyful experience of this reality is literally at your fingertips – a mere thought away from shifting to greater and greater vibrational heights of loving adventure.


ME:  Sounds easier said than done.


MARTHA:  Yet, if you knew what waited for you, you would not hesitate to drop your feelings of attachment to this world in a heartbeat.  You would hastily come into a state of total and complete forgiveness of this reality, instantly.

You fear to lose everything in this world through letting go, but you have the whole universe to gain.  You have a host of family as well as amazing and wonderous experiences waiting for you in the grand superuniverse of all creation and we are but a mere vibration away.  With that being said, how difficult can the choice for inner peace be?

            And with that, Martha was gone.  I thanked her for my lovely birthday gifts and though she did not reply, I knew that she received my gratitude.

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