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We will begin with a slow deep breath inward through your nose and exhale out through your mouth, letting go of all the tension in your body on the exhale.
Inhale through the nose, exhale tension through the mouth.
Good, now let’s do that again. Inhale deeply through the nose, and exhale tension through the mouth.
One more time. Let’s make this a good, big, deep breath and inhale and exhale.
Alright good. Now that you’re relaxed, I’m going to play a crystal singing bowl, and I want you to focus on it’s clear note of “C” which will help you align your energy body to a higher vibration.
And now we will begin to move into a state of grace.
It is your desire to move into a state of grace, because it is a state of deep peace.
It is a state of deep joy.
It is a state of total love and fulfillment on every level.
It is a state of union with All Creation.
You want to live in a state of grace because you deserve nothing less than to experience a life of your greatest abundance in all ways.
We achieve this through the power of the energy that comes from the heart.
So, we will focus on healing your heart through changing your mind.
This is because the heart follows what the mind thinks.
Or as it has been said, “Where the mind goes, energy flows.”
What you focus on, is what you are asking for more of.
We are now going to clear your mind of all unwanted thoughts, simply on the basis that, they are the reason for your loss of peace.
Any thought that triggers a negative emotion is an unhealed lesson in forgiveness, or rather, a “forgiveness opportunity.”
Bring up any repetitive, negative thoughts you cannot seem to let go of. Such thoughts can be about someone else, a situation or about yourself.
Think of any thought you have that is not aligned with peace, love or joy.
It matters not which one, for once you know how to heal one negative thought, you know how to heal them all.
Our first step is merely to acknowledge it, allow it, own it. For you cannot heal what you do not know needs healing.
Now we are going to allow these thoughts to just exist, without any emotional attachment. We are going to diffuse the power behind any thoughts you do not want, because when you think them, you are not happy.
And now I want you to consider this next thought carefully.
Why are you thinking these negative thoughts if you do not like the way they make you feel when you have them?
The power to choose how you feel, is yours alone. No one is your puppet master. No one is in control of your mind. You are an independent, autonomous being who is master of your own mind and heart.
Now, address each negative feeling with the following words:
I am feeling this negative emotion because I choose to believe I need to.
I will repeat this powerful statement, which begins the undoing of the ego, again:
I am feeling this negative emotion because I choose to believe I need to.
Or you can say some other semblance of this, such as “I must believe this emotion serves me in some way I find beneficial.”
“This feeling makes no sense, because I am unhappy when I think these thoughts, and I do not want to feel unhappy. I want to change my belief about what I want to think and therefore what I experience.”
These types of statements, reclaim your personal power. They diffuse the negative feeling by first questioning the sanity of having negative thoughts to begin with, then realizing you want to change the habit of thinking them.
The thoughts you have, are completely within your power of choice.
The ego would never want you to ask what your motivation is for keeping negative thoughts.
You reestablish your personal power by recognizing that somewhere, somehow, you have been choosing negative thoughts on purpose. You believe you need them.
You do not.
The next logical step in the ego’s undoing is to ask: What would happen if I let them go?
Surely nothing worse than what you are already feeling while having negative thoughts.
In fact, you will feel much better if you make the choice to let them go.
Again, it is critical to acknowledge what emotion you are feeling, followed by, “because I choose to believe I need to.”
When you begin to observe the feeling and make this statement in the moment, thus owning it, recognizing your personal power to choose to be free, you will find that the negative vibration will lose its power.
Perhaps the negative feeling will not be immediately or entirely dispelled instantly, but it will certainly become diminished, diffused, and neutralized to such an extent that you can look at it with some semblance of sanity.
Understand your own self-sabotage and begin to consider that perhaps you would like to let such a thought, and subsequent feeling, go.
You are now undoing the programming of a lifetime. Programming instilled by the general mass society you have been a part of your whole life.
Such programming has never allowed you to ask why you would ever want to sustain negative thoughts to begin with.
Societal conditioning is not more powerful than you.
It is time to begin to actively choose to react consciously to all situations, people and events.
It is time to live as an awakened person in a constant state of grace.
And just as no one controls you, neither should you seek to control others.
This desire, to have another react the way you want, treat you the way your ego deems best, or love you in the manner of your choosing, are all thoughts that need to be let go of.
No one is your puppeteer, but neither should you seek to be the controller of anyone else’s mind and feelings.
The only way to stop suffering is to understand you alone are the cause of your experiences.
And now you want to live in a peaceful, loving, abundant state of mind, because such is your desire for your experience. And you deserve nothing less.
You can do this by reinforcing your positive thoughts and feelings when you have them.
Just as you can dispel a negative feeling by acknowledging and owning the power of your choice, you can reinforce your positive feelings in the same way, thus increasing your positive momentum.
Whenever you become consciously aware of a positive feeling, own it by stating:
“I am feeling this positive emotion because I choose to believe I need to.”
And you do! For obvious reasons!
You want to retrain your mind – literally rewire it – into a state of positivity.
You want to strengthen your ability to remain in such a positive state even when the negative situations arise.
By practicing noticing your positive feelings and reinforcing them by acknowledging you actively want them to continue, you are forming a new habit in thinking.
You are literally re-wiring your brain to exist in a more positive, healthy, and healed state.
You are learning how to live in a constant state of grace.
And when you live in a constant state of grace, your positive vibration shifts your physical reality to match what you are feeling.
Your soul, the essence of your being, is literally a tuning fork to which all the universe comes into alignment with, bringing you more of what your energy is asking for.
New, positive vibrational matches to your emotions will begin to appear in your life. Old, unwanted habits will simply fade away. You may be inspired to form new, healthier habits with joy and excitement. Toxic people will quit, move or somehow shift out of your reality. Relationships will heal. Your life will begin to transform in new and unexpected positive ways, all without effort or struggle on your part, because you will be in alignment with peace, joy and love. And such feelings do not coexist with effort and struggle.
Evidence for positive change in your life will appear in the form of synchronicities and unbelievable coincidences, as your reality shifts into alignment with your new, positive vibration.
And now we will add a final step, solidifying your “positive gravitational pull.”
Imagine that at the core of your being, there is a powerful bright light.
This light is the circle of light within you that is often referred to in “A Course In Miracles.”
It is the essence of your being, but often you are not aware of it because you have blocked your inner vision of this light with your negative beliefs.
But as you neutralize your negative thinking, this light can shine through, calling to All Creation to bring you everything that is good, loving and joyous.
This happens as the dark clouds of negative thinking blocking your inner light are lifted by your own choice.
Visualize this light within you now, clear, bright and un-clouded by darkness.
Next, in your mind, feel or sense your consciousness move into this light.
Become one with it. Merge into it with your whole being.
Allow it to encompass your entire being to such an extent that it becomes impossible or very difficult to pull away from its love, peace and joy.
Now allow this light to extend from you. Extend it to All Creation, giving back to It as you have just received.
Make your it only desire that all beings, living and non-living, planets, galaxies and even down to the grains of sand to rest in peace and love. Extend your will that that All Creation receive nothing less than all forms of abundance along with you.
Extend your light, your will, your greatest desire that only the highest good be made manifest for All Creation, because All Creation is One with you. And what you wish upon another, you wish upon yourself.
For you are One Self.
There is literally nothing greater you can do with your Divine Power, for as you give, so shall you receive.
Such is your power to manifest a joyous life.
You want to receive your greatest good – unimaginable good – beyond what your ego can conceive of.
So, extend thoughts and feelings of greatest good to All Creation.
And such intensions will be reflected back to you.
The important thing to remember is to exclude no one and no thing, or your forgiveness will not be complete, and you will be left with unhealed thoughts, which will bring you suffering.
Complete your forgiveness and move into the light within you.
Now you are living through the eyes of Christ. You are seeing all things as forgiven – not separate, but at One with you.
You are now living with the Voice of the Holy Spirit as your only Guide.
You are now conscious of your thoughts, and you are living as a conscious creator.
And as a conscious creator, you are now a living miracle worker.
You are now living as Who You Are in truth, as God created you.
You are doing the Will of God, Who’s Will it is for you to be happy, at peace, and living abundantly in all imaginable ways.
It is God’s Will for you to live in the experience of your Oneness with All Creation.
You are now living in a state of grace.
Beth Geer is the author of "Awakening To One Love," a compilation of inner conversations with the Holy Spirit, as well as "Awakening Humanity: Our Place Among Extraterrestrials and Angels," and "The Light Has Come! Divinely Guided Chapter Summaries from “A Course In Miracles.” YOU CAN FIND THESE AND MORE ON HER HOME PAGE.