I am excited to announce that my article “AN EXTRAORDINARY BIRTHDAY GIFT” will be published in the July/August 2021 issue of MIRACLE WORKER MAGAZINE!
Humanity is currently undergoing a spiritual, inner transformation and it is coming to us in a variety of ways. One way, through my own personal experience, beginning when I was very young, is through extraterrestrial contact.
Recently, at the beginning of 2021, this contact has taken a new turn, as open telepathic contact with an extraterrestrial I lovingly call, Martha. She is not only from another planet, but another dimension of time and space. And she has reached out to me to collaborate a book with a message for humanity; one which is intended to speed our spiritual evolution as we transition into a new era of Light and Life.
This article is an adapted chapter from my upcoming book: “AWAKENING HUMANITY: Our place among extraterrestrials and angels.”
To read the full article as it was printed in the MIRACLE WORKER MAGAZINE, go to:
miracles.org.UK Look for ISSUE: 161
You can also read it on my website or watch it on my YouTube channel: CLICK HERE!