Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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Raise Your Consciousness Through A Deep Revelation Into Peace


This meditation was a revelation given to me one day while thinking deeply about A Course In Miracles Lesson 267, “My Heart Is Beating in the Peace of God.” It is intended to center you within your Sacred Heart Center or the Sacred Heart of God.


It is to be used for activating your connection to your Higher Self and our Creator.


While such a connection is unbreakable and always and eternally present, it is our awareness of this connection that needs “activating” in order to feel the experience of it.


Typically, this requires deep silence of the mind; we must clear away all our busy thoughts about the world, in order to hear the soft whisper of Love’s Voice within us.


This meditation is one way we can do just that. It is a way we can bypass our loud, distracting ego-voice and attune to God’s Voice directly and with ease.


So, pay careful, mindful attention to the words that follow. Internalize them to the best of your ability and to the deepest degree.


These words are powerful, sacred, and true. If incorporated into your full belief, they activate your awareness of the God-Consciousness within you.


First take a deep, conscious breath.


Breathe in again fully, feeling the breath flow through your heart center.


Continue to breathe in this way for the duration of this meditation. There should be no strain or overt effort involved; you do not want to inadvertently hyperventilate. Simply be aware of taking slightly deeper-than-normal breaths in a slow, comfortable, and relaxed manner.


Now, with your attention on your full, deeply relaxing breaths, think carefully about these words:


“My heart is beating in the peace of God.” (A Course In Miracles W. Lesson 267)


“Surrounding me is all the life God created in His Love.” (1:1)


God infuses all creation with His Lifeforce. His Love literally holds all form in formation. Therefore, I am surrounded at all times, with all the life God created in His Love, even though I am experiencing it as separate forms, existing seemingly separate from me. A grain of sand is at One with me; my most despised enemy, is at One with me. I may not like this idea, but it is the very thought of separation I am here to give up. I am here to feel the Love of God within all forms, whether I like them or despise them, knowing all things contain His Love. For surrounding me is all the life God created in His Love.


“It calls to me in every heartbeat and in every breath; in every action and in every thought.” (1:2)


Since God is literally within all things, He calls to me from all things. My heart contains God’s Life, and through each beat His Voice speaks to me, guiding me, loving me. And every thought I have, brings me ever closer or farther away from the experience of God’s Love. It all depends on the thoughts I choose to hold. And so it is, I choose to hear only God’s peace calling to me in every heartbeat and in every breath; in every action and in every thought.


“Peace fills my heart, and floods my body with the purpose of forgiveness.” (1:3)


God is everywhere, all the time. There is nowhere His peace is not. I can only become unaware of His peace, and thus it seems it can be absent from my experience. It is forgiveness which brings His peace back into my full awareness. To forgive, is to overlook all forms of form and know instead the truth of God’s peace that lies within all forms. To see only this, to feel only this, is what I came here to do. This level of forgiveness is the purpose of my body. So, I will let God’s peace fill my heart, and flood my body with the purpose of forgiveness.


“Now my mind is healed, and all I need to save the world is given me.” (1:4)


The world is saved when I see nothing but God in all things. For thus have I released Him from the prison I made through choosing to see separation where there is Union in God’s Love. I do not desire any gap between myself and another. There is no gap when all there is, is God. Therefore, I desire no gap between myself and God, no matter how much fear, or hatred my eyes seem to see. I desire that the gap be healed, and all forms of fear and attack be abolished. And with such a prayer with deep intent, now my mind is healed, and all I need to save the world is given me.


“Each heartbeat brings me peace; each breath infuses me with strength.” (1:5)


Now, with my newfound awareness of God’s peace, flowing through all things for all eternity, I can simply focus on my own heartbeat, and know where to find God’s peace, to strengthen me as I move through a world made in the opposite image of God’s Love. A world that reflects separation instead of Union. And so, I allow each heartbeat to bring me peace; each breath I take, to infuse me with His strength.


“I am a messenger of God, directed by His Voice, sustained by Him in love, and held forever quiet and at peace within His loving Arms.” (1:6)


My body now has a new purpose. I am using it as a speaker, an amplifier of God’s Love, knowing my very physical life is being sustained by Him, in His Love as His Lifeforce flows through my entire being. All thoughts about the world are still. I have no enemies. I have no fears. I have no complaints, issues, or concerns. I have laid down all these thoughts, for they surround the idea of separation. God surrounds the idea of Union. And so, my mind is still, receiving only the idea of my union with all creation in God’s peace. I have now become a beacon of love, flowing out to the entire world and even the entire universe and all it contains. Nothing is exempt from my love. I am a messenger of God, directed by His Voice, sustained by Him in love, and held forever quiet and at peace within His loving Arms.


“Each heartbeat calls His Name, and every one is answered by His Voice, assuring me I am at home in Him.” (1:7)


Not only does every single one of my heartbeats call to God, being imbued with God, but God answers His own Voice; He replies to His Own Call in every single one of my heartbeats. And so, with each heartbeat, I am lovingly assured that I am at home in Him and nothing else is real. God will not fail to answer Himself. His answer is peace. His answer feels like Home. And so, I take peace in knowing each heartbeat of mine calls His Name, and every one is answered by His Voice, assuring me I am at home in Him.


“Let me attend Your Answer, not my own.” (2:1)


Let me not forget how near God is! Let me always hear His Answer, His loving Thought of peace and not the voice of my ego, which would drown love in fear, hate and malice. Let me attend Your Answer, Father, and not my own.


“Father, my heart is beating in the peace the Heart of Love created.” (2:2)


Let me remember my heart, and how close is the awareness of God’s peace to my own mind. What Love has created, cannot be destroyed, for Love creates only what is eternal. There is no form of fear outside myself that can threaten or harm me. I need not worry or want for anything. All I need must do, when the world outside threatens to steal my peace and confidence in God’s promises, is focus on the beating of my heart. I will remember Father; my heart is beating in the peace the Heart of Love created.


“It is there and only there that I can be at home.” (2:3)


And there is nowhere else I could ever be.


This work is funded entirely by donations alone. Though not expected, if you feel guided to make a love offering, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION. Thank you for your support!