Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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Now please enjoy this month’s Miracle Minded Message:

I have long sought to learn how to “let things go,” as have all of us from time to time. And it seemed at times, that the harder I tried, the more I would think about the problem, and the less I was able to just let it go. It seemed that there were some things only time could heal, because in time, memories fade and can often be forgotten. Painful feelings can become tamer, softer, and muted. However, sometimes there are things we don’t want to wait for time to heal, or after an excessive amount of time, these things feel like they will never heal.

One day, in a fierce attempt to let go of something painful, I was inspired to write a special prayer to help me in this process. The original painful situation is now long forgotten however, for I have no idea what triggered the words that follow. Only that I have often felt great power in reading them, letting their meaning fill my heart with sincerity, strength and dedication to God; reminding me of my deep and sacred purpose here in the world, thus chasing away the flimsy ego and all its empty promises. 

So be warned: this prayer is uncompromising. With it, you are asking that the power of God replace all forms of weakness you are holding onto. You are asking that your world – yourself included – be disassembled and rebuilt by God’s Hand, that you may live your best life while you still walk in this illusion.

At first, this prayer may appear to be asking for exactly what you do not want. Do not be deceived. It is a prayer for letting go of what your ego wants, in order to clear an empty space for what God Wills for you; the manifestation of deep abiding peace and joy in your heart and life. And so, if you feel you are ready; if you have the courage to openly ask for this, then please proceed forward, knowing mighty companions and God Himself walk with you.




If the temptation of material success would hold me here 

And bind me ever tighter to this world of form,


Then let me fail miserably at all I do.  Let failure be my only success.


“For the world I see holds nothing that I want.”  (ACIM Lesson 128)


I would not try to control the material world around me, wishing things were different, for the world will never be enough for my ego.  


Therefore, I will kneel before God, without Him asking.  I offer Him what my ego would covet, not waiting to see if I am asked to give it up.  I relinquish it happily, to be replaced by what God would have me have instead, knowing it has value far greater than anything the ego could ever offer me.


If a relationship with a special person would tie me to this earth, 

Causing me to return here yet again for one more useless journey,


Then let every friend I have or person I think I love

Disappear from my life, break my heart, and leave me.


“For the world I see holds nothing that I want.”  (ACIM Lesson 128)


Therefore, I will kneel before God, without Him asking.  I offer Him what my ego would covet, not waiting to see if I am asked to give it up.  I relinquish it happily, to be replaced by what God would have me have instead, knowing it has value far greater than anything the ego could ever offer me.


If creature comforts, money, fame and possessions call my name and cause my heart to senselessly pursue what will only perish,


Then let all things I think I want or need vanish from my life.


“For the world I see holds nothing that I want.”  (ACIM Lesson 128)


Therefore, I will kneel before God, without Him asking.  I offer Him what my ego would covet, not waiting to see if I am asked to give it up.  I relinquish it happily, to be replaced by what God would have me have instead, knowing it has value far greater than anything the ego could ever offer me.


Whatever it is I must do,

I will do it Father.


Through letting go of my attachment to this world, You promise that I can exchange it for another; one which is far more loving, satisfying and entirely filled with joy and only joy.


“Beyond this world there is a world I want.”  (ACIM Lesson 129)


Could it be a loss to make such an exchange?


“For the world I see holds nothing that I want.”  (ACIM Lesson 128)


“Beyond this world there is a world I want.”  (ACIM Lesson 129)


There is no loss, but only gain.  I am asked only to let go of pain and move into a Love I do not yet understand.


I fear the unknown.  I fear loss.


Yet God calls me to bravely trust.


I cannot live in two worlds.  Only one can be perceived at a time.


“It is impossible to see two worlds.”  (ACIM Lesson 130)


And so, I seek the truth, the real world I belong to; an eternal place where all things endure forever, and nothing fails to bring me joy.


It is this, and only this I seek.


Let this world not tempt me to delay myself any longer.  For my collection of wants and needs are just that; an ego-tactic invented to delay me from my true joy and what God knows I truly want.


“For the world I see holds nothing that I want.”  (ACIM Lesson 128)


“Beyond this world there is a world I want.”  (ACIM Lesson 129)


And so, I choose to let go of all I think I want or need in this world, thus kneeling before the Heart of God in total commitment.


I choose to let my attachment to this illusionary world go.


It is no sacrifice to let go of what is false.  Though it takes courage to accept what I do not yet understand or know.  I do have faith in knowing,


“No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.”  (ACIM Lesson 131)


This is God’s most holy promise and I believe in His Word.


And so,


“I loose the world from all I thought it was.”  (ACIM Lesson 132)


“I will not value what is valueless.”  (ACIM Lesson 133)


Let me now perceive the world in a new light.


Let me see the world through the eyes of forgiveness.


To forgive is to let go.  It is to see beyond the physical and perceive without judgment.


To cease to judge is to admit to myself I do not know who anyone is, what the world is for, or who I am in relationship to any of it.


To forgive is to cease to wish any relationship or situation were different.  It is to allow all things to be, and cease to tell God what to do.


The slate is now clean.  My inner altar is empty.  My heart is fully open and receptive to receiving a new perception.


And here, in this pristine place, God is free to write His Truth upon my heart and change my life in ways my ego could never imagine.


And so, I pray to forgive the world, that I may let go of my attachment to all I think it is, what I need in it, and the roles I feel others should play for me.


I release you all.


No one has to be a body for me.  You are free.  You do not have to play any role my ego has assigned to you.


And if I suffer or feel the need to attack or defend myself against any bodily form my eyes may still behold, may we both hear the Answer to our call for love.


For I know I need not break myself through needless suffering.


I am only being asked to lay down my attachment to all I think I lack, which seems to cause me anguish.


I am only being asked to lay down my false dreams;

The idols of this world I so desperately cling to.


I know all suffering is caused by such attachments

And thus, all suffering is only at my own hand.


You ask for no sacrifice from me Father.


For You are nothing but Love, and Love asks for nothing.


Love can only give, and only like Itself.


You want to give me everything, in exchange for nothing.

You ask only for my willingness to follow instead of lead.


You ask only that I be willing to see the world 

Through Your eyes of forgiveness and love, 


Instead of the ego’s eyes of conflict and separation; 

Of fear, hate, control and possessiveness.


You ask only that I give up my attachment 

To what is not real; to that which is not eternal.


And in exchange for my small willingness to do this,

I will come to accept the truth:


That only the eternal is real,

And only what is eternal within me is Who I Am.


And Who I Am in Truth needs nothing from the world,

For in truth, Your Eternal Love is what sustains me, and this is all I need.


Let me recognize then, that I already have It.


Lastly, I pray to do this one small thing:


To overcome the world of endless ego needs and wants, 

And return my mind to Your Home of everlasting Love and peace.


This is not asking for bodily death, but to live my life here through Your Spirit as a servant of Your Love.


But above all else Father,

In all things let Your Will be done

And not my own.




*      *       *


            I have also been inspired to write a prayer for healing others, for often we want to help someone else who seems to be suffering. The highest form of prayer for another, is to acknowledge the truth within them. Here is a prayer then, for others, acknowledging only the truth in them, thus asking for their highest healing to take place.




Beloved, though I see your body and all its busy doing, I can also feel the stillness of your love and light, your true Spirit in God and I know only this is the truth about you.  


I choose to “see” only your truth and nothing else, through feeling our Oneness in God.  


On this alone will I let my thoughts about you rest.  


I let go of all else, especially those thoughts that do not serve Love’s Purpose.


For such are God’s Thoughts about you, and I will to join Him in His Loving Thoughts. For it is His Will that we learn our truth, and be healed


I know that through such thoughts about you is true forgiveness achieved, for this is the simplicity of what true forgiveness truly is.  


It is but a simple shift of my attention from your body and what it is doing, to the truth that lies within your body.


And through seeing you through the eyes of true forgiveness, beyond the body, are all things healed, within and without. 
