Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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Sit in a quiet, comfortable upright position.  Resist the temptation to lie down as this may cause you to fall asleep, and sleeping is not meditating.  When done properly, meditation is actually an active process; one you engage in with your mind and God’s.


Now take several slow deep breaths.  Notice how your chest loosens, your jaw relaxes and your shoulders drop with each breath.


Tension in the body is a sure sign the ego has been in charge of your thoughts; a sure sign you are holding onto what is not from God.  We would like to relax our mind and body now, and set the ego aside in order to meditate with God.


This is a very special meditation.  What we are about to undertake is holy and sacred.  We are going to practice true forgiveness and achieve total healing.  We are going to complete the circle of Atonement.


To begin, think of someone you do not like.  This can be someone you feel only occasional mild irritation towards, or someone you greatly dislike or even think you hate.  


Now that you are picturing this person or even persons (as sometimes we have multiple people we despise) I want you to consider this next thought very carefully, for it is the truest truth about them.  


What if I told you that they loved you unfailingly; that they have been nothing but faithful in their love for you? 


Notice how these words make you feel inside. 


At this moment you do not believe these words.  Your ego will instantly rush to reject them and find every reason to feel these words are not true.


But as we move deeper into this meditation, you will soon see that it IS true.  And not only do theylove you, but youlove themequally in return.


In order to reach a state of mind that can fully accept these words, and therefore achieve your total healing, we must complete the circle of Atonement.


Continue to breathe deeply and evenly; do not let any tension find its way into your body as we gently follow the path to true forgiveness, remembering as we go that this is the path of least inner resistance.


As you breathe, continue to hold the person or persons you dislike in your mind.


Picture them standing before you.  If there are multiple people, select one of them to step forward to come stand in front of you.


They speak to you now, saying, “Give me your blessing Holy Son of God.”


Now, see a ray of light just beginning to emerge from the top of their head and reach into the heavens.  It is just a sliver of light, but it is all that is needed.


As the ray of light emerges from the top of their head, you notice how their external form begins to split in two.  Their skin seems to gently fall away on each side like an unwanted costume coming undone, and it softly drops to the ground.  


In the place where you once saw the human form of your enemy, another being has now shown Itself.  A being of pure light and love.  Great Rays emanate from this new form.  This is the true form of your enemy and as they emerge, you hear them say, “It is I, my beloved.  It has always and only ever been just Me.”


How does this new form make you feel?  Do you recognize the Love of God within the false form of one you thought you did not love?  


Do you know that this is the truth of how youappear as well?


In our current state of mind, we are experiencing each other as false identities.  We believe our bodies to be real.


What we fail to recognize, is the truth of the Light and Love within us.  Our Great Rays are hidden, but not gone.


Do not make the mistake of believing that you understand what you see in anyone, for you do not know.  Yet while you believe you think you DO know, you will see no reason to see them differently.  You will see no reason to ask God who they are to you in truth – without their body.


So now, for just a moment, let us not hold any type of grievance against them – cease-fire, hold your attack.  Behold only their Great Rays of Love and Light.


What if you found out that it were nottheir ego-form – their body – and all its faulty beliefs, decisions and actions that you have disliked, but God Himself?


What if you discovered that holding grievances and anger against another was a deliberate ego-attempt to destroy God’s Plan for happiness for you?


The ego’s fundamental wish is to replace God, and in order to do this you must forget Who You Are in truth.  The next step is to surround yourself and all others with a false identity, thus keeping you each separate and at odds with one another, anxious and depressed. 


In this way, the ego keeps the secret of the Great Rays of Light within you, a secret. 


With your belief resting on these false premises, you also believe your thoughts cannot reach any other mind.  You believe in total separation from all others and you have forgotten your Oneness and your power to heal one another.


You have forgotten your Great Rays of Light and Love that have the power to heal the world and all whom it contains.  You have forgotten how to enter the circle of Atonement.


Let us do this now.  Let us allow our mind to be healed and thus heal all other minds with ours.  Let us consciously choose peace and enter the circle of Atonement.


When a mind consciously choosespeace, the radiance of your mind then shines all around it – invisible to the ego, but visible in the Heavenly realms as Great shining Rays. This Light then extends from you out into the darkness of other minds, transforming them into majesty.


Do you want to heal your enemy or destroy them?  To heal them IS to undo the ego once and for all.  Yet it is not destroyed but transformed.


Let me ask again, do you want the problem or the Answer?  How badly do you want to hate them and how badly do you want inner peace?


If you choose peace, then let us continue.


Let us forgive the forms we currently see and think we know.  We are absolved of all guilt in what we misunderstood before, for it was merely a mistake.  We did not know Who was really within the body we mistook for our enemy.


Forgive yourself for seeing only the outer form and forgetting the Great Rays within.


Forgiveness takes away what stands between you and your brothers and sisters.  When you forgive them thusly, you are asking to only see That Which joins you together and not what sets you apart.


The body then dissolves, shed like an unwanted set of clothes; it was a false identity, and you have chosen it no longer.


In fact, the body is a completely neutral thing.  You are a Creation of God, part of His One Son.  How can you be another thing as well?  How can you also be an ego that hates, and hurts and can be hurt?  How can you die if you were created to be eternal?  


For now, while we find ourselves experiencing the false identity of the body, let us put it to a new purpose – the only real function it has.


Let us use the body to forgive other bodies their falsity.


As we become more and more proficient at such forgiveness, our dreams will become happy and we will each awaken from the dream of suffering.


Our release will be certain, for we will know the truth.  Our bodies will heal and we will heal other bodies because we know we only sleep and dreams can be easily changed.


And so now, let us complete our time in this holy meditation. Let us complete the circle of Atonement, the circle of forgiveness.


Once again, see your former enemy standing before you; remembering they are now transformed into a being of Light and Love with Great Rays emanating from them.


As they stand before you, you now say to them, “Give me your blessing Holy Son of God.”


Then let their light reach out and touch you.


Let it help you to shed and burn away your own false outer identity. Let the Great Rays of Light and Love that you are emerge from your body like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. 


Today you are reborn.  Today, now, this holy instant you accept salvation from all the painful things you thought before.  You have the courage to accept that all you once knew was false and accept in its place the truth of Who You Are.  


Now stand together, you and all those whom you have released from their bodies.  Feel how your Light and Love knows no boundaries; see how there are no distinct borders between you.  All barriers are now dissolved.


There is now only peace between you.  This peace extends outward in a great circle of Light to all living things and beings created in eternity with God.  Your circle of Light not only extends to what is on the earth, but far beyond the outer reaches of the known universe.  Your vastness is unimaginable and inconceivable to the human mind.  


You are at One with God in a vast circle of Light.  The circle of Atonement is now complete.


Do not forget this as you go through your day-to-day living. Do not make the mistake of thinking you know who anyone is in his or her bodily identity, for they have forgotten just the same as you have.    


Be the one who remembers.  Be the one to forgive.  It takes but one and all are healed.  Forgive yourself for seeing their mistakes and immediately correct your vision by envisioning the Great Rays of Light emerge from them instead.


This will be no idle fantasy.  God indeed will step forward and heal as you have allowed Him to.


You heal through your new and correct perception of others. True healing comes from the conscious choice to see only their Light.  It is a miracle to make this choice.


Do this, and you complete the circle of Atonement – God’s plan for you here. 


As you accept the Love and Light of God from all others, you simultaneously extend it to all creation.  And so it is, that what you give, you also receive.  


Therefore, give all to all.  Leave no one outside the circle of Atonement and you are all healed together.


Rest now, in the Light and Love that you are.  In quiet, receive the Word of God.  



~ Holy Spirit


The following quotes are taken from, A Course In Miracles Ch. V. The Circle of Atonement:


“Stand quietly within this circle, and attract all tortured minds to join with you in the safety of its peace and holiness.  (8:6)


“I stand within the circle, calling you to peace.  Teach peace with me, and stand with me on holy ground.”  (9:4-5)


“Each one you see you place within the holy circle of Atonement or leave outside, judging him fit for crucifixion or for redemption.  If you bring him into the circle of purity you will rest there with him.  If you leave him without, you join him there.  Judge not except in quietness which is not of you.”  (11:1-4)


“Come gladly to the holy circle, and look out in peace on all who think they are outside.  Cast no one out, for here is what he seeks along with you.  Come, let us join him in the holy place of peace which is for all of us, united as one within the Cause of peace.”  (11:7-9)