Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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Dearly beloved, you who come here for guidance and help I offer you this loving meditation:  AWAKENING THE CHRIST CONCIOUSNESS WITHIN YOU.

To listen to this as a guided meditation (dark highlighted area of script) you can find it on my YouTube channel at this link:


Before we begin this meditation, I would like you to get into a comfortable upright position.  Though lying down may be tempting, it promotes falling asleep and sleeping is not meditating.  If you fall asleep you will miss out on the great magnitude of positive effects and deep inner healing from this meditation.

Meditation is actually a specific type of active process you engage in with your mind.  Therefore, in order to participate, you must remain awake.


Now, let us begin to mentally prepare ourselves for this meditation.


First, we are going to direct your attention to the things you think about the world outside you.  These “outer thoughts” must be addressed and let go of completely because they are barriers to your inner peace.


The Christ in you cannot be born until these barriers are removed and it is in this open space; a cleared inner altar, that the Christ is born in you again.


All thoughts about the world outside you stem from the ego, and so it this part of our mind we must let go of.  The ego cannot be partially let go of.  It must undergo a complete and total transition – a transition you could call the death of your ego.


Do not fear this transition, for it will be the gentlest thing you have ever done in your existence thus far.


How will we achieve this?


Through forgiveness of it.


The needs and desires of the ego must be laid to rest in a blanket of forgiveness.


And what does it mean to truly forgive?


To forgive is to overlook.  To forgive is to look beyond.  To forgive is to completely let go of everything you know, as you understand it now.


You must learn to say to yourself as you look upon all living things the world contains: 


            I forgive you the illusions I see in you. May I not see them at all but only your Light in which I share with you.  I now “give them forward” to God, to be corrected in my mind so that I may see you truly – as God created us both in truth.  Amen


To “forgive” is to “give forward” all illusions the world currently shows you and ask only to have the truth be revealed to you instead.  “I forgive you,” means, “I give you forward” to God so that you may see only another’s inner Light and Love.


Notice the wording places the forgiveness of illusions on both the “giver” and “receiver.”  You are each experiencing being the illusion as well as seeing it.  By saying, “I forgive you the illusions I see in you,” you are saying that you both are experiencing the illusion and forgiveness is for each of you equally.  


You will know that you have forgiven by the sense of deep relief such true forgiveness brings to both the giver and receiver.  This peace will come whether the receiver is aware of your giving or not.  Such is the power of forgiveness.  


It is your most holy choice to make the decision to forgive the illusions of the world you see and ask to see That Which lies beyond it instead. You are asking to see only the eternal and let all else go.  And so it is you bring all your sad illusions to the truth to be quietly blessed by God and allowed to disappear.


“He has been gently wakened from his dream by understanding what he thought he saw was never there.”  (A Course In Miracles P.249 Workbook Lesson 134: Let me perceive forgiveness as it is. 11:3)


You must forgive all that is in the world outside you – the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.


All of it is an outer ego-distraction designed to keep your attention outside of you rather than on the truth that lies within.


It is time now to turn your thoughts away from anything associated with the world outside of you and focus your attention within instead of without.


Here now is where many begin to have problems with meditation.


Where should your thoughts rest, when you are going “within” if you cannot think of anything outside of yourself?


This has been the question of the ages for so many deep thinkers over countless lifetimes.


Many have attempted to perfect the state of mind you need for true meditation.


Yet, what exactly is this state of mind?


In the meditation that follows, I will give you simple instruction on how to do this.  I will be as clear as possible.


I will tell you exactly where your mind needs to rest in order to experience true meditation and its healing effects.


In order to do this, we must also call forth the mindset that will birth the Christ in you, for Christ-consciousness isthe required mindset for proper meditation.


We will do this together.  We will do each step slowly and carefully so as to not loose our way:


To begin, bring your attention to how you are sitting quietly.


Your body is still.  Everything about you has become reverent and peaceful because deep down you recognize we are about to do something very sacred and holy.


We are going to awaken your Christ-consciousness within you.


Now, focus your attention on your breathing.


Notice how you breathe without thinking.


This is how God’s Love permeates your entire self.  God’s Love sustains you without your conscious awareness.


He breathes His Life into you without effort or strain.  You are sustained by the Love of God right now, this holy instant, and for all eternity.


Let this thought sit with you for a moment.


Now, bring your attention to the center of your chest.  Attempt to feel your heart beating.  Your heart is beating with the Love of God.


Now go deeper inward and know that it is God Who gives your heart its electrical pulse.  FeelGod’s Love beating your heart.


Now focus on God’s Love extending from your heart center outward…


No form can contain God’s Love; a mere body cannot hold it, and so, you too mustextend God’s Love to all living things, even as He does; without thinking, effort or strain, doing so naturally and happily.


By bringing your conscious attention to God’s Love within you, it becomes magnified like a prism of light and you are the prism itself, radiating God’s Love and Light outward.


This happens because what you focus your thoughts on is what you are giving your power to.


Now that your thoughts are focused on God’s Love let it reach out to all people; those you love, and those you despise, and those you do not yet know.  


Let it reach out to all other living things, even the animals and plants you love, and those you may despise and those you do not know.


God’s Living Love unites all living things.  


God’s Love is indiscriminate.  His Love encompasses all living things whether you personally think they are deserving of it or not.


God’s Law of Love states that ALL living things are worthy of His Love, for in His Love we are all healed, we are all innocent and at peace with Him and one another.


Feel His healing compassion now, extending from you as you join God in what He Wills for you to do in loving Unison with Him.


Extend Love now, even as God does.


And as you extend His Love to all living things, let it envelope the forms you see in your mind and dissolve them into God’s Love and light.  See how they actually becomethe Light.


They are now transformed from what the ego sees, to what God sees.  This is Christ Vision.


This is the true state of being for you and all creation.  


Now you notice that they have also become prisms of God’s Love and Light the same as you are and they now reflect God’s Love back to you, but magnified.


The Love and Light you gave them has grown from what you originally sent out.


You are now receiving more than you have given.  And so it is, that you are magnified by God’s Love through your giving It.


All creation loves you in return with deep gratitude for the gift of love you have given them.


And so it is, that what you give, you also receive – such is God’s Law of Giving.  


This is God’s Will for you – to love even as He Loves all creation.


Allow your will to join God’s Will in loving all creation.


Feel the holy exchange of love between you, moving in and out just as breath moves in and out of your body.


And now, with the release of the vision of all ego-forms from your mind, you have laid the ego to rest. Notice that its death was a simple transformation in your mind – a painless, peaceful, and much welcomed release.


Now that all forms have been dissolved, your Oneness is the only thing left, and this is what God created you to be.  You are as God created you, now, this holy instant.


And in the place the ego once held your mind, you have allowed the Christ to take His place. For the Love you extend to the world is Christ Himself.  And in the holy Light and Love of Christ’s Vision, the world is healed through your willingness to let Him be born through you.


This is where your mind should be while resting in quiet meditation.  This is the place so many have tried to discover.


And so I will leave you here to rest, in quiet stillness, having only the experience of God’s Love as you extend His Love with Him as He Wills, to all the world – thus forgiving all creation for appearing separate from you and God.  


            “Now merely rest, alert but with no strain, and let your mind in quietness be changed so that the world is freed, along with you.

            You need not realize that healing comes to many brothers and sisters far across the world, as well as to the ones nearby, as you send out these thoughts to bless the world.  But you will sense your own release, and understand that you could never be blessed alone.”

(Lightly paraphrased from A Course In Miracles, Lesson 132: Let me perceive forgiveness as it is.  P.244,15-16)


Know that you can return to this state of peace anytime you so desire.


You can walk the world in such a meditative state, going about your daily business, but with one difference – you are also doing God’s Will.


This meditation can be carried with you no matter what your outer experiences seem to be.  Simply turn your attention inward and remind yourself of your connection to all living things and people through God’s Love, then focus your mind on this deep inner exchange rather than your outer circumstances.


And you will not only pull through every challenge life has to offer you, but you will also heal everything that surrounds you including yourself.


Soon you will look forward to life’s challenges as you learn the joy of bringing healing to each and every person and situation you encounter.


And in this way, you will be giving birth to Christ’s Consciousness and look upon the world as Christ looked upon all things when He walked the earth as a man.


This is God’s Will for you.


Give welcome to the Second Coming of Christ’s Consciousness through your willingness to see His Love in all things for you are His channel of loving service and peace.


He does not choose his channels lightly. 


You are chosen for this task because He knows you will do it.


God has unfailing faith in you and your capacity to Love.



~ Holy Spirit

To listen to this as a guided meditation (dark highlighted area of script) you can find it on my YouTube channel at this link: