Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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Holy Spirit:  When it comes to My Truth, be persistent in your faith, strong in your belief, and yielding to what comes from such a right and positive perspective.


What do these words mean?


What would happen to you and the experiences you are currently having if you fully understood and applied these words to your life?


The power of your faith is never recognized by the ego.  You cannot see the power you hold over what you feel and experience while it is placed in the wrong hands.


When you feel sad, disappointed, or filled with any form of fear or dread you do not feel powerful.  You feel weak and powerless – this is how it feels to be in the hands of the ego – your power is invisible to you.


Not gone, but invisible.  There is a difference.


Yet it is by the power of your own faith in the ego that keeps you held in its grip, feeling powerless and afraid.


Again, you will not recognize the power of your faith and belief while you give it away to what serves you not.


But if you place it where it belongs, this power becomes greatly apparent in your life, taking root and blossoming into beauty, joy and peace.


The power of your faith and belief is always recognizable to you when you place it in the Hands of Love.


My Hands.


When you place your faith and belief in Me, you are not giving it away – you are magnifying it.


When you give your power to Me to wield for you, miracles are easily made manifest.


When you do this, learn to expect miracles.

You deserve nothing less!


How do you place your power into My Hands?


It is done by withdrawing your faith from the ego, for once you do this, there is only one other choice, one other place you can turn to: Me.


How do you withdraw your faith from the ego?


You withdraw your faith and belief from the ego by refusing to accept the current vision you hold of one another.


Everything outside of you is a projection of what you think and believe through the filter of the ego-mind.


As you are now, you see each other as bodies; living separate lives with separate minds, thinking separate thoughts.


But, what if you saw all this, and yet, refused to believe it was true?


What if you made the conscious choice to look through the filter of your Christ-mind to see the world?


The world and your life would be transformed.


How do you choose to look through the filter of your Christ-mind?


You accept that the body is no barrier between you at all, and that in truth you are all one, united in My Love.


When you hold such a thought in your mind and apply it to all you see, you are holding the correct vision of one another – My Vision.


And only miracles can come from viewing the world through My Vision.


A miracle is actually a correction of something that seems to have gone wrong.  It fixes what you do not want to be true.  It heals all forms of error.


The very nature of a miracle is its ability to correct what seems to be impossible to fix.


And you each want to “fix” at least some aspect of your life.


What if you allowed Me to fix everything– even that which you did not know needed “fixing?”


You would be allowing My miracles to come to you unbidden.


Miracles spring forth from your decision to ask that your wrong perception of one another be corrected, and from this Vision, all other problems are solved by default.  


This is because when you see truly, you make space for the correcting power of miracles to come to you, bringing your life into right perspective, correcting all that is wrong with it.


And then you will no longer think it strange or impossible that faith, coupled with belief can move mountains.


When you see the world correctly, it shifts, and with this shift, even mountains will yield to your will; for it will be joined with God’s Will.


The ego says, “Seeing is believing.”


The Holy Spirit says, “Believing is seeing.”

Read the above two sentences again.  Read them slowly and with the intent to understand the implications of the words.


What you believe, you will see and experience.


Projection begets perception.


What you think is what manifests.


And so I am asking you to change what you think, to put your faith and belief into the highest truth: You are created as One Love.


There is nothing your faith and belief cannot do when you join with God’s Will – that you see one another truly – as you were created, not as you appear to be now.


You are created as One Love.


Yet, even knowing this you will still see separate bodies, minds, and lives, and that is perfectly fine.  


Just hold the correct thought within your mind, knowing such separateness is not true, despite what you see, and then your outer world will shift to match your new thought of peace.


Your experience of life will become peaceful, loving and joyous.


Your life will become a living testimony to the miraculous.


Believe in only the love that you are, and only such love will come to you.


Place your faith in love and all else that did not come from love will fade from your life as it is replaced with the gifts of God.


And if the very mountains of the earth are called upon to move out of your way for this to happen, then it shall be done for you.


I will stop at nothing to pave your way Home to Me, because you have asked for nothing less.



~ Holy Spirit