Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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How To Remove The Ego Chains That Bind

Holy Spirit:  You have observed for yourself that the ego wishes no one well. In fact, it is entirely incapable of kindness towards anyone.


Yet through this observation, you can also see that it’s anger, fear, anxiety, guilt and even mild irritation spill forth from it – all with your seeming consent.


This happens, because the ego believes that the more anger, fear and anxiety it can invest outside itself, the safer it will become.


The ego endlessly seeks to blame circumstances and individuals outside itself for its unhappiness.


And so it invests heavily in scrutinizing and faultfinding.


Siding with this thinking is the chain that binds you to the ego and thus binds you to its unhappiness.


And this is the chain that the Holy Spirit would remove from your holy mind.


For this chain of unhappiness does not belong around you – you Who are the chosen host of God.


However, you will remain resistant to My Divine Help in removing it, so long as you hold belief in the body as your identity.


For the ego believes that as long as you are tricked into thinking the body is your identity, rather than a most holy Child of God, it will retain its hold on you.


As long as the ego has bodies to attack, it is content, for every ego needs a target.


Yet you pay the price and suffer needlessly for it.


Anger is the only blessing the ego has to offer.  All anger is merely an attempt to make someone else feel guilty and thus strengthen itself.


You do not realize that by believing in what the ego believes – that it is possible to control others through the words and actions of your body – that you are seeing yourself as merely a ridiculous parody of God’s Creation.


You often see yourself as weak, vicious, ugly and unworthy of happiness and unworthy of the love of God.


Such is the ego’s version of you – a thing apart from All That Is – too small and insignificant to be worthy of Divine Grandeur and a great purpose.


In the ego’s eyes, you barely exist, subsisting only on what small scraps of satisfaction and joy you can find; moments, which always seem to slip away too quickly with time.


The ego does not hear your prayers for release; nor could it answer them even if it could, for it does not see Who You Truly Are.


It does not understand your Divine Light and your Divine Self as a Creation of God.


It does not know your Divine Purpose here.


It sees you only as a body, capable of pain and suffering.


The ego understands nothing.  It is not fit to listen to or to choose as a guide.


The problem then becomes, how do you listen to Me instead? How do you allow God to release you from the tight hold of the ego upon your mind?


First you must understand that we are already in constant communion. 


My Love is what sustains you, and you are always receiving it and returning your love for Me, though you may not feel this or even believe it.


You share this everlasting communion with all Creation – all living things, people and Divine Beings.


This notion may be staggering to your ego.  It will protest this idea with all its might, because to the ego (which is the representation of total separation) total Union with All That Is, is unthinkable.


And true communication with All That Is, does notcome from your mouth and the words you speak.


Your verbal words are not what people respond to when you think you are communicating with them.


It is your thoughts and the emotions attached to them that establish your relationships and transfer communication to those around you.


The ego cannot conceive of this method of communication, because it believes its thoughts are entirely private.


There is no such thing as a private thought.


All thoughts are shared and all your “personal” thoughts affect you, the “thinker” who project them outward.


They do not affect the people you project them onto, except to either fearfully drive them away or lovingly attract them towards you.


You are always either attracting love through Love or repelling love through fear, but you can never sever Love from you because you are literally sustained by Love Itself.


You ARE Love and so there is no way to truly separate from It or you would cease to exist – which is impossible.


And so you can choose to either struggle against your Unity in Love or accept it peacefully.


The ego always chooses to struggle against It and you feel pain and suffering for this choice.


Our task together then is to continue as quickly as possible past such thinking and remove the ego’s interference by seeing it for exactly what it is.


All negative ego thoughts are a distraction from knowing Love’s Presence and peace.


The body is the symbol of the ego, and the ego is the symbol of your separation from Me.


Therefore, the ego is merely an attempt to break our communication.


Yet you can be healed of this in a holy instant.


In this instant, you will behold the Great Rays of My Light that are the true replacement for your body and the bodies you now see all around you.


This is how you appear in truth.


But in order to see yourself as you are in truth, you must recognize there are no limits between yourself in relationship to others.


The body only appears to separate you, but your minds are forever joined.


People can feel your true intensions – your emotions and feelings you project towards them.


This may be conscious or unconscious, but it is happening regardless of your total awareness.


And so, it is important that you willingly seek to dissolve the idea that there is anything separating yourself from anyone else.


It is necessary to give up every use the ego has for your body and accept the fact that the ego has no purpose you want to share with it.


The ego does not have your best interests at heart.


But you DO exist within My Heart, and it is here I would have you rest your weary mind.


However, it is impossible to give your mind over to Me and be entirely released from the ego while you divide your strength between Myself and the ego.


Both identities cannot be true.


In order to release the ego from your mind, you must release everyone around you from its hatred, anger, guilt and judgment.


You must constantly remind yourself that you are not seeing their True Identity and they are just as mistaken about themselves as you are. 


You are all just as newborn babes, born into a bad dream, thinking you are having real effects on one another – entirely naive to the truth.


If you would only allow Me to tell you the truth about the Love God has for you and the need you have to recognize this love within one another, rather than focusing on what bodies are saying and doing – you would at last be putting forth thoughts that would attract eternal joy.


You have no concept of the limits you have placed upon your mind and the limits this has on what you see as your reality by not believing in the truth.


There is so much love, beauty and Divine Help surrounding you at all times, that if you could but glimpse it, you would instantly give up the ego and its entire works.


God’s Love pours out upon you at all times in an unlimited flow, but because your power to reject It is as great as His to give It, you are able to deny your experience of It, out of your own free will to experience separation from It.


Seek not your joy in further separation.


You will not find it by listening to the ego.


It is only your belief that you are limited to a body that interferes with your release from the ego.


When you cease to blame yourself or others for your unhappiness – when all guilt is withdrawn from the world, and you cease to demand or want anything from it – then there will at last be no interference between us.


Our communication will be complete.


The interference between us will be dissolved.


Your thoughts will then project only peace, and peace and joy will become your experience.


Your mind will be free of the ego at last!


Let the Holy Spirit teach you how to truly communicate with others.


The body is not to be used to communicate attack, guilt, anger or hurt – either towards others or you.


Renounce its use for such purposes.


And when you do, you will realize you have no need for a body at all.


For minds are all connected; and the body is not necessary for communication of My Love.


And with such thoughts, you welcome the holy instant.


For in the holy instant, there are no bodies and you will experience only the Love of God and All Creation pouring out upon you.


Let the reality of this truth – your true Identity as a Divine Creation in Union with God – become the only truth that you could ever want.


It is your destiny to accept it.


This is the future that awaits you My Precious Child.  


This is what you are meant to do here.


~ Holy Spirit

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