Make The Choice For Light
When you struggle with your big irritations
And even the small ones,
Those repetitive negative thoughts;
Remember Who You Really Are.
Remember how much power you have.
You have the power
To throw your mind down into darkness
As well as the power to resurrect it
And raise it to the Light.
Your Will
Is that there be Light.
And God shares this Will with you.
And what He Wills
Shall be done.
You can delay
But never prevent
The Light from coming to you.
And this is God’s only Plan for you.
That you let go of your repetitive negative thoughts
And accept His Light as replacement for them.
Cease your attack on His Plan for your peace and happiness,
By ceasing to accept such thoughts
Into your sacred holy Mind.
A Mind
That you share with Him.
Choose that there only be Light
When these times come.
You are not in denial over having these dark thoughts.
You are simply noting that you’re having them
And deciding that you do not want them.
That is all you have to do
In order to let them go
And make the choice for Light.
When you use your power
To choose that there be Light,
Your sacred holy Mind will be free to attract to you
The abundance, joy, and peace
That God truly Wills you to have.
Because Love always comes where it is welcome
And is attracted to Itself.
~ Beth Geer
(Inspired by A Course In Miracles Workbook Lessons 86, 87, 88)