Beth Geer Author (A Course In Miracles Teacher)

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A Course In Miracles


I. The Present Memory


            “The miracle does nothing.  All it does is to undo.  And thus it cancels out the interference to what has been done.  It does not add, but merely takes away.  And what it takes away is long since gone, but being kept in memory appears to have immediate effects.  This world was over long ago.  The thoughts that made it are no longer in the mind that thought of them and loved them for a little while.  The miracle but shows the past is gone, and what has truly gone has no effects.  Remembering a cause can but produce illusions of its presence, not effects.”  (1:1-9)


            “For guilt is over.  In its passing went its consequences, left without a cause.  Why would you cling to it in memory if you did not desire its effects?”  (2:2-4)


            “Nothing employed for healing represents an effort to do anything at all.  It is a recognition that you have no needs which mean that something must be done.  It is an unselective memory, that is not used to interfere with truth.”  (3:1-3)


            “The Holy Spirit can indeed make use of memory, for God Himself is there.  Yet this is not a memory of past events, but only of a present state.  You are so long accustomed to believe that memory holds only what is past, that it is hard for you to realize it is a skill that can remember now.”  (4:1-3)


            “The Holy Spirit’s use of memory is quite apart from time.  He does not seek to use it as a means to keep the past, but rather as a way to let it go.”  (5:1-2)


            “Time neither takes away nor can restore.”  (6:3)


            “No change can be made in the present if its cause is past.  Only the past is held in memory as you make use of it, and so it is a way to hold the past against the now.”  (6:6-7)


            “When ancient memories of hate appear, remember that their cause is gone.”  (7:3)


            “Be glad that it is gone, for this is what you would be pardoned from.  And see, instead, the new effects of cause accepted now, with consequences here.  They will surprise you with their loveliness.  The ancient new ideas they bring will be the happy consequences of a Cause so ancient that It far exceeds the span of memory which your perception sees.”  (7:6-9)


            “This is the Cause the Holy Spirit has remembered for you, when you would forget.  It is not past because He let It not be unremembered.  It has never changed, because there never was a time in which He did not keep It safely in your mind.”  (8:1-3)


            “What you remember never was.”  (9:1)


            “It can deserve but laughter, when you learn you have remembered consequences that were causeless and could never be effects.  The miracle reminds you of a Cause forever present, perfectly untouched by time and interference.”  (9:3-4)


            “He has not done the thing you fear.  No more have you.  And so your innocence has not been lost.”  (10:5-7)


            “The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still.  It reaches gently from that quiet time, and from the mind it healed in quiet then, to other minds to share its quietness.”  (11:1-2)


            “He to Whom time is given offers thanks for every quiet instant given Him.  For in that instant is God’s memory allowed to offer all its treasures to the Son of God, for whom they have been kept.”  (12:1-2)


            “How instantly the memory of God arises in the mind that has no fear to keep the memory away!”  (13:1)


            “Now is the Son of God at last aware of present Cause and Its benign Effects.”  (14:1)


            “And where is sacrifice, when memory of God has come to take the place of loss?”  (15:2)


            “He has built the bridge, and it is He Who will transport His Son across it.  Have no fear that He will fail in what He wills.  Nor that you be excluded from the Will that is for you.”  (15:7-9)


In summary, section 1: “The Present Memory” is saying:


            For us to regain our present memory; the memory of our present state of Union with God and each other – a state that has never changed – we must let go of all our past fears.  This is something we can only do now, here in the present moment.  What our minds are preoccupied with most of the time, are past events, those things that happened to us even just a few moments ago, be they “good” or “bad.”  We also equally fantasize about the future.  The Holy Spirit would use our time differently if we simply chose to let Him.  We let Him use our mind, when we let our mind be still, emptying it of all thoughts relating to the world, be it past or future.  Is it a sacrifice to still our minds?  We are not asked to maintain this state for hours or even minutes.  All we are asked to do, is practice giving but a single, holy instant of mental quiet.  And there, in that clear empty space of stillness, you will feel the essence of your own power – your Identity in God’s Oneness.  For only when your mind is still is the Holy Spirit free at last to restore to you, your present memory of Who You Are. 


II. Reversing Effect and Cause


            “Without a cause there can be no effects, and yet without effects there is no cause.  The cause is madeby its effects; the Father is a Father by His Son.”  (1:1-2)


            “Fatherhood is creation.  Love must be extended.”  (2:1-2)


            “Yet must all healing come about because the mind is recognized as not within the body, and its innocence is quite apart from it, and where all healing is.  Where, then, is healing?  Only where its cause is given its effects.  For sickness is a meaningless attempt to give effects to causelessness, and make it be a cause.”  (2:8-11)


            “Always in sickness does the Son of God attempt to make himself his cause, and not allow himself to be his Father’s Son.”  (3:1)


            “The cause of healing is the only Cause of everything.  It has but one Effect.  And in that recognition, causelessness is given no effects and none is seen.”  (3:3-5)


            “Nothing at all has happened but that you have put yourself to sleep, and dreamed a dream in which you were an alien to yourself, and but a part of someone else’s dream.  The miracle does not awaken you, but merely shows you who the dreamer is.”  (4:1-2)


            “Do you wish for dreams of healing, or for dreams of death?”  (4:4)


            “But for this change in content of the dream, it must be realized that it is you who dreamed the dreaming that you do not like.  It is an effect you have caused, and you would not be cause of this effect.”  (5:3-4)


            “The miracle establishes you dream a dream, and that its content is not true.  This is a crucial step in dealing with illusions.  No one is afraid of them when he perceives he made them up.  The fear was held in place because he did not see that he was the author of the dream, and not a figure in the dream.”  (7:1-4)


            “The miracle does nothing but to show him that he has done nothing.  What he fears is cause without the consequences that would make it cause. And so it never was.”  (7:10-12)


            “In the dream, the dreamer made himself.”  (8:2)


            “The miracle is the first step in giving back to cause the function of causation, not effect.  For this confusion has produced the dream, and while it lasts will wakening be feared.”  (9:3-4)


            “The miracle returns the cause of fear to you who made it.”  (11:1)


            “The miracle is useless if you learn but that the body can be healed, for this is not the lesson it was sent to teach.  The lesson is the mind was sick that thought the body could be sick; projecting out its guilt caused nothing, and had no effects.”  (11:6-7)


            “The world is full of miracles.  They stand in shining silence next to every dream of pain and suffering, of sin and guilt.  They are the dream’s alternative, the choice to be the dreamer, rather than deny the active role in making up the dream.”  (12:1-3)


            “The body is released because the mind acknowledges “this is not done to me, but I am doing this.”  And thus the mind is free to make another choice instead.  Beginning here, salvation will proceed to change the course of every step in the descent to separation, until all the steps have been retraced, the ladder gone, and all the dreaming of the world undone.”  (12:5-7)


In summary, section 2: “Reversing Effect and Cause” is saying:


            God is our First Cause, our Creator and Source.  We did not create ourselves, yet our ego would have us believe this.  Healing comes to our mind when we reverse our thinking.  We are not a body, but the mind that invented the dream of being a body rather than an eternal creation of God.  With our imagined fallibility as a body, we forgot our Eternal Self as God’s Holy Son.  When our mind became “sick” with this thought, we manifested physical sickness, the reflection of our new belief, our new identity as a weak, un-eternal body.  Therefore, to heal this situation, we must heal it as its source: the mind.  We must change our mind about who we are.  Herein lies the miracle, for to recognize the mind is sick and not the body is the first step to restoring ourselves to our right mind.  It is as simple as recognizing we are the cause of this dream of bodies, and no one else.  Except, it is a false dream; an identity we cannot become in truth, for no one can undo what God has Created.  Healing then, is but a mere reversal in thought – God is our Eternal Cause, and we are His Eternal Effect.  Nothing else is true about us and we have nothing to fear.


III. The Agreement to Join


            “What waits in perfect certainty beyond salvation is not our concern.  For you have barely started to allow your first, uncertain steps to be directed up the ladder separation led you down.  The miracle alone is your concern at present.  Here is where we must begin.  And having started, will the way be made serene and simple in the rising up to waking and the ending of the dream.”  (1:1-5)


            “No mind is sick until another mind agrees that they are separate.”  (2:1)


            “If you withhold agreement and accept the part you play in making sickness real, the other mind cannot project its guilt without your aid in letting it perceive itself as separate and apart from you.”  (2:3)


            “Healing is the effect of minds that join, as sickness comes from minds that separate.”  (2:6)


            “The miracle does nothing just because the minds are joined, and cannot separate.  Yet in the dreaming has this been reversed, and separate minds are seen as bodies, which are separated and which cannot join.”  (3:1-2)


            “The end of dreaming is the end of fear, and love was never in the world of dreams.  The gap is little.”  (4:1-2)


            “The purpose of the gap is all the cause that sickness has.  For it was made to keep you separated, in a body which you see as if it were the cause of pain.”  (4:5-6)


            “The cause of pain is separation, not the body, which is only its effect.”  (5:1)


            “God builds the bridge, but only in the space left clean and vacant by the miracle.”  (6:1)


            “And what are you who live within the world except a picture of the Son of God in broken pieces, each concealed within a separate and uncertain bit of clay?”  (7:5)


            “Be not afraid, my child, but let your world be gently lit by miracles.”  (8:1)


            “The dream of healing in forgiveness lies, and gently shows you that you never sinned.”  (8:4)


            “For love has set its table in the space that seemed to keep your Guests apart from you.”  (9:8)


In summary, section 3: “The Agreement to Join” is saying:


            We “agree to join” with one another and God through the act of true forgiveness.  Forgiveness is the act of “overlooking” the world of separate forms, including our bodies, and everything else seemingly outside of us.  We do this, not by trying to close our eyes to the world or pretending it is not there, but rather, by going within.  We must use our inner eyes to see – not our physical eyes.  We do this through feeling by changing our thinking.  When we look with our physical eyes, we first think about what we are looking at.  But if instead, we first feel what we are looking at, we will feel our Oneness without physically seeing it.  This is the miracle of knowing the truth without outside proof.  

“Seeing through feeling” is a way of looking at the world the ego is unable to do.  And so, it the is way we give up our ego-projected reality and choose instead to know God’s Reality.  This is how we clear our inner altar of all thoughts of separation, for no gap is seen where only unity is felt.  This is how we remember our agreement to join with God.


IV. The Greater Joining


            “Accepting the Atonement for yourself means not to give support to someone’s dream of sickness and of death.  It means that you share not his wish to separate, and let him turn illusions on himself.”  (1:1-2)


            “Refuse to be a part of fearful dreams whatever form they take, for you will lose identity in them.”  (2:2)


            “Thus you separate the dreamer from the dream, and join in one, but let the other go.  The dream is but illusion in the mind.  And with the mind you would unite, but never with the dream.”  (2:5-7)


            “Like you, your brother thinks he is a dream.  Share not in his illusion of himself, for your Identity depends on his reality.  Think, rather, of him as a mind in which illusions still persist, but as a mind which brother is to you.”  (3:1-3)


            “Be certain, if you do your part, he will do his, for he will join you where you stand.  Call not to him to meet you in the gap between you, or you must believe that it is your reality as well as his.  You cannot do his part, but this you do when you become a passive figure in his dreams, instead of dreamer of your own.”  (5:1-3)


            “The Holy Spirit is in both your minds, and He is One because there is no gap that separates His Oneness from Itself.  The gap between your bodies matters not, for what is joined in Him is always one.”  (7:1-2)


            “The Holy Spirit’s function is to take the broken picture of the Son of God and put the pieces into place again.”  (8:1)


            “I thank You, Father, knowing You will come to close each little gap that lies between the broken pieces of Your holy son.”  (9:1)


            “How holy is the smallest grain of sand, when it is recognized as being part of the completed picture of God’s Son!  The forms the broken pieces seem to take mean nothing.  For the whole is in each one.”  (9:4-6)


            “But miracles are the result when you do not insist on seeing in the gap what is not there.  Your willingness to let illusions go is all the Healer of God’s Son requires.  He will place the miracle of healing where the seeds of sickness were.  And there will be no loss, but only gain.”  (10:7-10)


In summary, section 4: “The Greater Joining” is saying:


            Our greater joining is our realization of our part in God’s Greater Whole – the picture of our Oneness.  How is this realized?  Let us remember we are each like a puzzle piece, a seemingly separate thing in and of ourselves.  Yet is any puzzle complete with even one piece missing?  And can the function of each piece be fulfilled except by becoming one with the whole picture?  We are each ourselves and One at the same time.  We have never separated from the greater puzzle picture, but we dream we have.  We can only see our individual pieces.  The miracle comes when we decide not to believe in our separation – even the grains of sand are one with us!  There is no gap between anything.  Know yourself as the dreamer of the dream.  Watch it unfold but know that the separation you see in it is not the truth.  And when you do this, God will replace what you see with a miracle of feeling Unity where once you thought there was a gap.  You will experience the feeling of your greater joining with God and All Creation.


V. The Alternate to Dreams of Fear


            “What is a sense of sickness but a sense of limitation?  Of a splitting off and separating from?  A gap that is perceived between you and your brother, and what is now seen as health?  And so the good is seen to be outside; the evil, in.”  (1:1-4)


            “It is the sharing of the evil dreams of hate and malice, bitterness and death, of sin and suffering and pain and loss, that makes them real.”  (2:1)


            “You share no evil dreams if you forgive the dreamer, and perceive that he is not the dream he made.”  (3:1)


            “Forgiveness separates the dreamer from the evil dream, and thus releases him.”  (3:3)


            “What is there God created to be sick?  And what that He created not can be?  Let not your eyes behold a dream; your ears bear witness to illusion.”  (5:1-3)


            “Yet are there other sounds and other sights that can be seen and heard and understood.”  (5:5)


            “Creation proves reality because it shares the function all creation shares.”  (6:1)


            “For it fills every place and every time, and makes them wholly indivisible.”  (6:6)


            “You who believe there is a little gap between you and your brother, do not see that it is here you are as prisoners in a world perceived to be existing here.  The world you see does not exist, because the place where you perceive it is not real.”  (7:1-2)


            “Look at the little gap, and you behold the innocence and emptiness of sin that you will see within yourself, when you have lost the fear of recognizing love.”  (7:6)


In summary, section 5: “The Alternate to Dreams of Fear” is saying:


            There is an alternate reality we can perceive – one not seen through the eyes of the ego, but rather, through the loving heart of the Holy Spirit.  This shift in vision takes place through the process of forgiveness.  Forgiveness is a state of awakened awareness; awareness of our role as the dreamer of our ego-world.  Once we know we are projecting a vision of separation, we can change what we think, and thus change what we see.  Do not see yourself as separate.  There is no gap!  To see a world of separation is considered “sickness” because it stems from a mind that does not know it is whole – at One with All That Is.  Heal your mind now, this holy instant, and accept your role as dreamer of the dream.  For there is an alternate to dreams of fear, and it is this loving reality we want to recognize above all else.  


VI. The Secret Vows


            “Who punishes the body is insane.”  (1:1)


            “It does not victimize, because it has no will, no preferences and no doubts.”


“It can be victimized, but cannot feel itself as victim.  It accepts no role, but does what it is told, without attack.”  (1:9-10)


            “It behaves in ways you want, but never makes the choice.”  (2:3)


            “The thing you hate and fear and loathe and want, the body does not know.  You send it forth to seek for separation and be separate.  And then you hate it, not for what it is, but for the uses you have made of it.”  (3:1-3)


            “The body represents the gap between the little bit of mind you call your own and all the rest of what is really yours.  You hate it, yet you think it is your self, and that, without it, would your self be lost.”  (4:1-2)


            “No one can suffer if he does not see himself attacked, and losing by attack.”  (4:5)


            “Sickness is anger taken out upon the body, so that it will suffer pain.”  (5:1)


            “Whoever says, “There is no gap between my mind and yours” has kept God’s promise, not his tiny oath to be forever faithful unto death.  And by his healing is his brother healed.”  (5:4-5)


            “Let this be your agreement with each one; that you be one with him and not apart.”  (6:1)


            “In his creation did his Father say, “You are beloved of Me and I of you forever.  Be you perfect as Myself, for you can never be apart from Me.”  His Son remembers not that he replied, “I will,” though in that promise he was born.  Yet God reminds him of it every time he does not share a promise to be sick, but lets his mind be healed and unified.  His secret vows are powerless before the Will of God, Whose promises he shares.  And what he substitutes is not his will, who has made promise of himself to God.”  (6:4-9)


In summary, section 6: “The Secret Vows” is saying:


            We took a vow when we were brought into creation; we agreed with God that we would be as He created us: perfect in our Oneness with Him and each other.  And now here we find ourselves in bodies, appearing imperfect and separate – appearing to have broken our vow, which has caused us endless guilt and sinful feelings, the source of which many of us cannot consciously identify.  Yet, God tells us we have not sinned, for we cannot become separate.  It is impossible to break our vow, but we can dream that it has happened.  The body is not a real thing.  It cannot think for itself or do anything without our consent and constant direction.  And so, we can choose to disregard it as our identity, for it cannot be who we are in truth.  It is pointless to punish, blame, or victimize it.  It is nothing but a vehicle we are using to return Home through forgiveness of it.  Forgive it by remembering to overlook what we think we are doing with our bodies and remember instead our secret vow; that we remain One as God created us, despite the separation we are dreaming.


VII. The Ark of Safety


            “God asks for nothing, and His Son, like Him, need ask for nothing.  For there is no lack in him.”  (1:1-2)


            “A space where God is not, a gap between the Father and the Son is not the Will of Either, Who have promised to be one.”  (1:5)


            “What will can come between what must be one, and in Whose Wholeness there can be no gap?”  (1:8)


            “The beautiful relationship you have with all your brothers is a part of you because it is a part of God Himself.”  (2:1)


            “What could correct for separation but its opposite?  There is no middle ground in any aspect of salvation.  You accept it wholly or accept it not.  What is unseparated must be joined.”  (2:6-9)


            “Either there is a gap between you and your brother, or you are one.”  (3:1)


            “Yet who can build his home upon a straw, and count on it as shelter from the wind? The body can be made a home like this, because it lacks foundation in the truth.  And yet, because it does, can it be seen as not your home, but merely as an aid to help you reach the home where God abides.”  (3:4-6)


            “With this as the purpose is the body healed.”  (4:1)


            “All miracles are based upon this choice, and given you the instant it is made.  No forms of sickness are immune, because the choice cannot be made in terms of form.”  (4:6-7)


            “This world is but the dream that you can be alone, and think without affecting those apart from you.”  5:2)


            “It is like the house set upon straw.  It seems to be quite solid and substantial in itself.  Yet its stability cannot be judged apart from its foundation.”  (5:7-9)


            “The wind will topple it, and rain will come and carry it into oblivion.”  (5:11)


            “What is the sense in seeking to be safe in what was made for danger and for fear?”  (6:1)


            “Your home is built upon your brother’s health, upon his happiness, his sinlessness, and everything his Father promised him.”  (7:1)


            “The world will wash away and yet this house will stand forever, for its strength lies not within itself alone.  It is an ark of safety, resting on God’s promise that His Son is safe forever in Himself.”  (7:4-5)


            “From here the body can be seen as what it is, and neither less nor more in worth than the extent to which it can be used to liberate God’s Son unto his home.  And with this holy purpose is it made a home of holiness a little while, because it shares your Father’s Will with you.”  (7:7-8)


In summary, section 7: “The Ark of Safety” is saying:


            An ark is something that gives you protection and safety; like a home you can go to when you feel yourself in jeopardy.  The ego sees us as being in constant danger.  We see our bodily home as at risk of death, humiliation, unfair treatment, illness, and victimization.  Yet, when we think such things are possible, there is an alternate place we can turn to for rescue from such ego-beliefs.  It is the remembering that our body has only one true purpose: to be used to liberate us from all false beliefs in Who We Are.  The body does not cause us to have a gap between one another.  We are One.  And in this Oneness, we are completely safe and at home in God.  There is no other truth, for all else in our worldly home will one day wash away into nothingness as changing forms that dissolve in time.  Our Eternal Self will never cease to be and believing in this as our ark of safety is the undoing of all fear.



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