

Loving greetings blessed Being of Perfection and Love! I am honored and grateful for your Presence here. You bless the world with your Light and I thank you for your gift!

My name is Beth Geer and after a lifetime of miraculous, paranormal and supernatural experiences that began at age 5, I have decided to share my spiritual teachings with the world.

This has evolved into a variety of ways, including the 3 books listed below:


Discover the Path to True Fulfillment, Peace, and Happiness
Are you searching for something deeper in life? Do you yearn for inner peace and joy that seems to be always just out of reach? Look no further! Introducing "Awakening to One Love: Uncover the Inner Peace and Joy Hidden Within You" by Beth Geer.
In this transformative book, renowned teacher and author, Beth Geer, takes you on an enlightening journey that will ignite the spark within you and reveal the immense power of love that resides within your being. Through her profound insights and practical wisdom, she guides you towards a life filled with abundance, bliss, and purpose.

Uncover the Hidden Treasure Within You
"Awakening to One Love" is not just another self-help book. It is a divine roadmap to awakening your true self and reconnecting with the infinite love that lies dormant within. Beth Geer skillfully combines the teachings of “A Course in Miracles” with her own spiritual experiences, offering a unique and life-changing perspective that will touch your heart and transform your life.

Discover a Life of Profound Peace and Joy
Imagine waking up every morning with a deep sense of peace and contentment, knowing that you are connected to a higher power and guided by love. "Awakening to One Love" equips you with the tools to release fear, dissolve limiting beliefs, and embrace a life of boundless joy. In its pages, you will discover how to live in alignment with your true Self, leading to greater fulfillment in all areas of your life.

Experience the Power of Love in Every Aspect of Your Life
This remarkable book is not just about awakening to your own inner love but also about radiating that love outwards, transforming your relationships, career, and overall well-being. You will learn how to cultivate deep connections with others, dissolve conflicts with love, and experience the beauty of harmonious relationships.

Why "Awakening to One Love" Stands Out

* Written by an experienced teacher and author in spiritual transformation.

* Offers a blend of personal experiences and wisdom from “A Course in Miracles.”

* Provides practical tools and insights to enhance your daily practice as Beth goes through each of the 365 daily Workbook Lessons from “A Course In Miracles,” explained in the simplest terms by the Holy Spirit.

* Empowers you to let go of fear and embrace a life filled with love, peace, and joy.

* Includes powerful insights and guidance to overcome challenges and live your highest potential.

Take the First Step Towards Transformation
"Awakening to One Love: Uncover the Inner Peace and Joy Hidden Within You" is the book you've been searching for. If you are ready to release fear, cultivate love, and awaken to your true self, then this book is your guide. Allow Beth Geer to be your trusted companion on this powerful journey towards self-discovery and transformation.
Uncover the hidden treasures within you today. JUST CLICK THE PIC ABOVE to get your copy of "Awakening to One Love" and embark on a life-changing adventure towards inner peace and boundless joy.

Introducing: AWAKENING HUMANITY: Our Place Among Extraterrestrials and Angels

Have you ever gazed up at the vast night sky and wondered about the mysteries that lie beyond our Earthly existence? Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that will challenge your beliefs and expand your consciousness? Look no further than Awakening Humanity: Our Place Among Extraterrestrials And Angels.

In this groundbreaking book, renowned author Beth Geer invites you to explore the uncharted territories of extraterrestrial encounters and angelic realms. With her profound wisdom and compassionate insights, Beth dares to bridge the gap between the physical and metaphysical, offering a comprehensive understanding of our interconnectedness with beings from other dimensions.

What sets Awakening Humanity apart from other books on this subject is Beth's unique ability to blend spirituality and personal experience with realms beyond what our eyes can see. With profound clarity, she brings forth compelling evidence and testimonials from her own life, inviting you to draw your own conclusions about these extraordinary realms.

So, what can you expect from this captivating journey? Brace yourself for mind-expanding chapters that unveil the hidden truths about extraterrestrial civilizations and their role in our evolution. Discover the awe-inspiring stories of celestial encounters and angelic interventions that will leave you questioning the boundaries of human potential.

Prepare to be moved and uplifted as Awakening Humanity takes you on a transformative exploration of consciousness. Beth Geer lovingly guides you on a path of self-discovery, showing you how to tap into your intuitive abilities and embrace the intergalactic love and wisdom that surrounds us.

But this book isn't just for the curious seekers among us. It's for those ready to awaken their true potential and usher in a new era of harmony and unity with our cosmic brethren. Through empowering practices, meditations, and real-life examples, Awakening Humanity empowers you to embody the lessons found within its pages and actively participate in creating a world that embraces all beings, earthly or extraterrestrial.

Don't miss this golden opportunity to join the ever-growing community of truth-seekers, spiritual enthusiasts, and cosmic explorers. Let Awakening Humanity: Our Place Among Extraterrestrials And Angels be your guiding light towards a future of expanded consciousness, divine connection, and universal love.

Are you ready to ascend to new heights of understanding? Order your copy of Awakening Humanity TODAY - JUST CLICK THE PIC ABOVE! And embark on this unparalleled journey of discovery. Open your mind, expand your heart, and be prepared to see humanity and the cosmos in a whole new light.

Introducing: THE LIGHT HAS COME!

Are you ready to embrace the light and transform your life? Look no further! Introducing The Light Has Come! Divinely Guided Chapter Summaries From A Course In Miracles. If you have ever found yourself intrigued by A Course In Miracles but were hesitant to dive into its extensive teachings, this book is your ultimate gateway to profound spiritual understanding.

What is A Course In Miracles?
A Course In Miracles is a renowned spiritual masterpiece that offers a transformative path to inner peace, forgiveness, and love. First released in 1975, it has touched the lives of millions, providing them with a practical methodology to awaken their minds and shift their perception of the world. However, for many, digesting its extensive content can be overwhelming.

Your Map to Enlightenment
The Light Has Come! eliminates the guesswork. Crafted with love, care, and divine guidance, it offers concise and enlightening chapter summaries that distill the essence of each teaching, making it accessible and applicable for everyone. Whether you are completely new to A Course In Miracles or have been practicing its principles for years, this book will be your constant companion on your spiritual journey, shedding light on even the most complex concepts.

Why Choose The Light Has Come!?
1. Ease of Understanding: Through following the inner guidance from the Holy Spirit, Beth has meticulously condensed the core teachings of A Course In Miracles into concise, user-friendly summaries. Each chapter summary captures the essence of the original text while providing clarity and practical guidance.

2. Time-Saving Efficiency: With this book, you no longer have to navigate the vastness of A Course In Miracles. The Holy Spirit has done the heavy lifting for you, distilling the teachings into bite-sized nuggets of wisdom that you can easily integrate into your daily life.

3. Divinely Guided Wisdom: As stated above, these summaries have been divinely guided, ensuring that you receive the most profound and transformative insights that will unlock your spiritual potential. Each word has been carefully chosen to uplift, inspire, and awaken the light within you.

4. A Comprehensive Companion: The Light Has Come! not only summarizes the chapters but also serves as a comprehensive companion that will enhance your spiritual practice and support you on your journey to lasting peace and joy.

The Choice is Yours: Answer the Call of Light
If you are seeking true inner peace and a deeper connection with yourself and the world, The Light Has Come! is your answer. Embrace this opportunity to immerse yourself in the transformative teachings of A Course In Miracles, allowing them to illuminate your path and guide you towards a more fulfilling life.

JUST CLICK THE PICTURE TO ORDER your copy of The Light Has Come! TODAY and let the journey to enlightenment begin. Remember, the light is within you, waiting to be revealed! THE LIGHT HAS COME! Divinely Guided Chapter Summaries From A COURSE IN MIRACLES.


You can also SUBSCRIBE to my FREE Monthly Miracle Minded Messages on the signup form below for as long as you like - FOREVER FREE!

The human race is currently undergoing a “celestial speedup” and in my effort to assist with this transition, I offer these messages for free. I believe these messages should be available to EVERYONE as we work towards our collective healing and awakening.

Once you subscribe, you will be sent a new Miracle Minded Message each month. You will also occasionally receive the latest updates and links to anything else I’ve been creating!

You may also read PREVIOUS Miracle Minded Messages which can be found by clicking HERE.

FIFTH: Last but not least, don’t forget to check out my upcoming EVENTS, RETREATS, SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS and OTHER PUBLICATIONS.